adnan's kitchen


  •  1 kg of very small eggplant
  •  One kg. peeled tomato can
  •  1 kg yogurt
  •  400 gr. minced meat
  •  300 gr. Arabic bread
  •  100 gr. Pine seeds
  •  Black Pepper
  •  All Spice
  •  2-3 cloves Garlic
  •  Parsley
  •  1 Large Onion
  •   oil for frying


Syrian Fatteh
The Levantine "Fetté", eaten in breakfasts as well as in the evenings, always starts with a stack of khubz bread, topped by strained yogurt, steamed chickpeas and olive oil that are crushed and mixed together. In the next step, a teaspoon of cumin is almost always poured into the mixture. After that, virtually anything can be added to the bowl. Some fettés are made of eggplants and julienned carrots topped with grilled chicken and pine kernels while some contain lamb shanks, different spices and yogurt. The fattoush is a salad made with toasted pieces of pita bread that technically also falls into the family of the "Shâmiyât".


Adnan's Kitchen
Makdous fattah
(Syrian fatteh with aubergine and minced lamb)



  1.  Fry minced meat adding Black pepper and Spices.
  2.  Empty the inside of the eggplants using a zucchini corer.
  3.  Stuff eggplant with 3/4 of the fried meat.
  4.  Cook stuffed eggplant in 1 kg of peeled tomatoes until done.
  5.  Fry Pine seeds until slightly brown.
  6.  Crush garlic cloves and mix well with the Yogurt.
  7.  Chop the parsley and keep it aside.
  8.  Cut  bread into squares and fry in oil until brown.
  9.  Place cut bread at the bottom of the serving dish.
  10.  Add half a cup of the tomato sauce used in cooking the eggplant.
  11.  Cover all with the Garlic Yogurt.
  12.  Arrange stuffed eggplant on top of yogurt.
  13.  Sprinkle the remaining fried minced meat, pine seeds and chopped parsley.
  14.  Place the dish in a warm oven to warm the yogurt.